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Monday, March 13, 2006

Get Back Into Gardening Routine

Here are some good tips about gardening as exercise

Star-Telegram 03/13/2006 Ease back in to gardening routine: "Ease back in to gardening routineAkron Beacon JournalGardening, like any form of exercise, taxes muscles that may not have been used in months and requires stamina.So experts recommend gardening in small increments at the start of the season to build your strength and endurance, and stretching before and after to prevent injury.Here are some additional tips:Before you start working in the garden, walk around and take stock of the things you want to do. Then tackle the most important chores first, so you're not tempted to take on too much.Proper lifting is important to protecting your back. Always bend your knees and lift with the thighs while keeping the back straight. Be careful not to twist as you lift.When you're hoeing or shoveling, keep your knees relaxed, stand straight and don't hunch. If you need to use a rotating movement, such as when you're shoveling mulch, take a step in the direction you're headed before you twist your body. That releases tension on the spine.Use a lightweight wagon or wheelbarrow to haul things, and keep the load light. If you're buying materials in bags, choose smaller quantities that are easier to haul.When you're working low to the ground, sit or kneel on a cushion. Kneel on both knees at the same time to avoid injury when you twist.If you have to reach for something that's far away, get as close as possible to the object, sit as straight as you can without hunching, then reach. If possible, use a long tool to do the reaching for you.Use comfortable, lightweight tools, and if you're short, use shorter versions of long-handled tools such as shovels and rakes. Alternate your grip from hand to hand periodically.Choose tools with brightly colored handles. They're easier to see, so you're less likely to trip over them in the grass or r"


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